Male Cosmetic Procedures in Hull
Beautiful Beings offers a variety of effective treatments including surgical and non-surgical procedures to give you the look you desire.
Male Procedures
Otoplasty is cosmetic surgery of the ear. It is an aesthetic procedure that alters the size, position, or proportion of the ears. The outcome of ear reshaping surgery varies greatly depending on the changes that are desired, but these procedures generally improve self-confidence, especially in children and teenagers.
If the ears stick out, ear pinning can be performed to flatten the ears against the head. If one ear is positioned higher than the other, ear repositioning can create symmetry. Large, oversized ears can be addressed alone or in conjunction with other ear issues.
This procedure is usually performed under local anaesthesia where incision is made behind the ear. Extra cartilage or soft tissue that makes the ear “stick out” too much can be removed. If normal folds are missing from the ear, they can be re-created by shaping the cartilage with permanent sutures or scraping the cartilage to contour it. Sometimes a combination of techniques is needed to get the desired result.
An Upper or Lower Blepharoplasty also known as eye lift should be considered if you have excess, hanging skin covering the natural fold of the upper eyelids, loose skin hanging down from the upper eyelids over the eyelashes or if your upper and lower eyelids appear puffy.
Blepharoplasty can be performed on your upper eyelids, lower eyelids, or both. Based on a preoperative evaluation of factors which we will advise during your consultation.
The procedure is undertaken usually with local anaesthetic and sedation and with the upper eyelid, requires an incision hidden within the natural fold of the upper eyelid.
In the lower eyelid, the incision will be hidden just below the lower lashes, or when excess fat is being removed, the incision can be placed inside the lower eyelid
Excess tissue then removed through these incisions and sometimes fat may be redistributed in the lower lids to eliminate puffiness or bulges along with other adjustments to correct special problems such as muscle laxity.
Sutures (stitches) are invisible to the eye and are commonly self-dissolving so there is virtually no detectable scar.
Gynecomastia is a disorder that causes enlargement and swelling of the breast with the increase of the breast tissue itself or the adipose tissue in the breast in men. “Gyneco” means related to women, feminine, “masti” represents breast growth. In other words, gynecomastia is the case of feminine breast enlargement in men.
Gynecomastia might affect only one breast or can affect both breasts. Most of the time, a disorder cannot be found in patients to cause this condition and the cause is not clearly known. Among the known causes of gynecomastia, imbalances in the male hormone or an increase in the female hormone are pointed out. At the same time, prepared foods mixed with hormones, the use of some drugs and steroids, or excessive and rapid weight gain and loss are shown as the cause.However, the cause of gynecomastia is not known exactly. If there are other examination findings, the patient can be investigated hormonally, but often a hormonal disorder cannot be detected. Obesity, nutritional disorders and excessive consumption of ready-to-eat foods, hormone-secreting masses in the testicles or adrenal glands, some liver diseases, thyroid dysfunction, kidney failure, or some medications are also possible gynecomastia causes.
Gynecomastia can usually be seen with changing hormone levels during puberty. It is also possible in middle age and beyond. Generally, the patients are young/middle-aged men.
Gynecomastia often manifests itself with pain, tenderness, and abnormal growth in the breast. Patients often complain that a hard mass behind the nipple reaches their hands it can be moved by hand. At the same time, the majority of the male patients states that they do not want to take off their clothes in public, they do not want to use the dressing areas and showers, they have difficulty in wearing t-shirts in summer and they do not want to go swimming due to the bad appearance. This may cause anxiety, stress, and depression in some patients.
To talk about the issues that patients with gynecomastia are most mistaken for, gynecomastia does not go away on its own. It cannot be reduced by losing weight. Again, patients think that it can pass if they gain chest muscle. On the contrary, when the muscle is exercised and enlarged, it pushes the fat and breast tissue further forward and gynecomastia does not disappear, it becomes more obvious and looks more swollen.
The growth in the breast tissue in gynecomastia can be seen in 3 ways. Either breast tissue may increase or fat tissue may increase or both can be seen in combination. This distinction is sometimes made by examination, and in cases where there is a break, breast ultrasound or MRI is performed. At the same time, hormone tests and some blood tests may be requested when deemed necessary.
The treatment of gynecomastia with the increased breast tissue is the removal of the breast tissue by entering with an incision under the nipple. In gynecomastia with increased adipose tissue, the treatment is liposuction. If there is an increase in breast tissue and an increase in adipose tissue, both liposuction and tissue removal with an incision under the nipple are performed.
There is usually no need for treatment in children and adolescents. It is enough to wait and observe. If one of the reasons mentioned above causes gynecomastia, this medical condition should be treated first.
The purpose of surgical treatment in gynecomastia is to remove excess tissue and fat, to change the breast shape from a feminine breast to a masculine breast image, to remove excess skin, if any, to achieve the closest symmetry between the right and the left, and to keep the scar to a minimum. The surgery is done under general anesthesia. Incisions are half-moon incisions of 2-3 centimeters under the nipple.If only liposuction is performed, there will be small traces of only 3-4 entrance holes of 5 millimeters. 1 day of hospitalization is sufficient. Drains placed for the evacuation of blood and fluids that may accumulate inside are removed painlessly within 2-3 days. Sufficient recovery is achieved within an average of 1 week and wearing tight corset / athlete for 3-4 weeks is recommended.After 3-4 weeks, the patient will recover and he/she can easily perform many activities. It is recommended to quit smoking before the operation and not to smoke for a while after the operation. It is normal to see edema, swelling and mild irregularities in the breast area after surgery. These will pass by time. It is important to rest for 3 days after gynecomastia surgery and not to move the arms and shoulders too much for less painful and faster recovery. If there is no problem, you can take a short shower, return to work and take walks 3 days after gynecomastia surgery.
For certain individuals, diet and exercise will never get rid of stubborn pockets of fat. Liposuction is used to create a desired shape and is one of the safest and most popular cosmetic procedures.
Liposuction surgery sculpts your body, eliminating unwanted pockets of exercise and diet-resistant fat from the buttocks, hips, love handles, saddlebags, thighs, calves, ankles, breasts (including male breasts), back, arms and neck.
Liposuction removes fat from your body using suction. In this procedure, small, thin, blunt-tipped tubes (cannula) are inserted through small cuts in the skin to target fat deposits and then suction them out. Liposuction is performed under either local or general anesthesia depending on the areas that are being treated and the patient.
The results of liposuction surgery are technically permanent because fat cells have been removed
A slender and flat stomach is highly desirable and can be achieved with a mini tummy tuck. this procedure removes loose skin, fat deposits, and stretch marks from the lower abdominal region below the navel. Vertical abdominal muscles are also tightened, restoring the appearance of a firmer, flatter stomach.
Weight loss, aging or multiple pregnancies can all contribute to a weakened stomach and a mini tummy tuck can help you improve the shape of your abdomen.
Mini tummy tuck procedures can be performed alone, but are sometimes performed with liposuction to improve body contours.
During your consultation, you will have the opportunity to discuss what you want to achieve and we will evaluate and clarify what a mini tummy tuck can do for you.
As with all of our treatments we provide, we begin with a comprehensive consultation. We’ll explain the procedures we offer in detail, and set your expectations regarding the results you will see. We’ll also answer any questions and address any concerns you may have about the treatment. Patients report feeling elated and confident once they have achieved their desired results. Many of our patients return regularly to receive our quality assistance – a testament to the skill of our practised staff.
To ensure your results remains long after your treatment has taken place, we offer high-quality aftercare services. We’ll adapt our recommendations to suit the treatments you’ve received, ensuring you receive aftercare that is right for you.
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